Everyone gets one FREE chance to win 1 Bitcion or its USD Value after sold by guessing what winning numbers (6 numbers + the 1 gold number) like this (#,#,#,#,#,#, – #) first before each drawing in the comments.
However all Win Club members get 5 additional guesses everyday + a piece of the bigger winnings Aaron wants to share with all Win Club members if he wins the lottery with his Daily tickets he buys! Some members are just too busy to keep up with the daily videos, so after joining the winners club they choose their 6 number choices in advance that way they keep their free chances on auto pilot without having to comment on every video. Many other great free perks of being in the winners club too like free art works and NFTs as well as access to all the winner content videos like 1. how Aaron lost 100 pounds+ 2. how his team made over million with his marketing company building big brands that we all know today 3. The lucrative opportunities in the Ai and DAO spaces with hundreds of millions of funds available for grants anyone can pitch (coming soon). And more!
Here is the URL of the Bitcion that we giving away and its value on blockchain so everyone can see: https://mempool.space/address/bc1q0z7hhqm65a4u359hty7x3ah7jufj3tmxs8gxyh
Join The Winners Club! Only $9 a Month
Aaron will share a portion of his winnings to you if he wins (see breakdown chart for details) plus all daily Dinosaur or Waifumon NFTs sent to you with no comment participation required however can also participate in commenting to increase earnings! Must email your Ethereum wallet number or ENS to aaronleupp@hotmail.com if you would like to receive the NFTs.
Or can join the Patreon at www.patreon.com/user?u=7947390
Only 6 members so far !
Winnings Breakdown Chart

Here is the weekly schedule we buy the numbers for. 5 days a week every week every month. 20 tickets every month in total. Yes it would cost a lot more if you did yourself $40 total and this only $9 a month, so can save a lot doing this or if you are a degenerate like me you can do both as well!
We buy the same numbers every-time to make things easy to remember which are
01 02 03 42 64 – 07
Would love to keep playing until we win the big one or even better we keep playing together even after that too!